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Tanana River Challenge

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:24 am
by john
The folks putting the Tanana River Challenge together are looking for some help from a few sledders. What they need are 2 two person teams to man two aid stations along the route.

I was thinking it'd be a nice quite way to enjoy a Saturday, but was reminded of a prior commitment I have. Here's the skinny:
I know this is kinda last minute but we had three voulunteer's have to back out due to family issues. We are looking for people with snowmachines to man aid stations on the race route.

We will have 4 Aid stations on the river this year and will try to have 2 people per Aid Station. Right now I'm looking for 2-3 people to help with the 1st and third aid station. Race day is Saturday, March 22 and starts at 8:30 in Nenana and race participants have 12 hours to make it to the Chena Pump Landing.

Aid station people will need to check in racers, note time in and out of the station, and call the race manager if there is an injury/emergency. Check points will be set up with food, H2O, and Arctic Ovens (with heaters).

Chena Goldstream Fire and Rescue off road rescue team will be on stand by and so will the Interior Search and Rescue Team.

Perks will include free entry to the after party with beer donated from Hoodoo brewery and the band will be Tiny Pancake Breakfast. Not to mention a bunch of great people to party with. This race is not so much a race as it is an excuse to have a great time. Any leads for helpers would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to pass on this e-mail ( or have people call my cell 907-388-6146.

We scheduled a volunteer meeting this Wednesday at the West Ridge Ski hut at 7:00 pm. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks again cheers Eric Zucker
So a warm tent to stay in and free beer after is a pretty good deal :)

Aid station 2 & 3 are aproximatly 20 and 30 miles from Nenana. #2 would be easier to access from Nenana and #3 is close to Whiskey Island. They will provide the exact lat/longs for the stations.

Of course it'd be an easy ride from Chena Pump Landing to either one and good reason to run the river again :)