Nov 3rd run, Nome Creek

Upcoming club rides. Who's got the skinny on the trip, when do we go, where do we meet ?

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Nov 3rd run, Nome Creek

#1 Post by john »

The ride was canceled, but breakfast wasn't :) The granddaughter and I meet Dean and his bride at the lodge and had an excellent breakfast. The granddaughter just loves going to Chatanika for breakfast, says it's her favorite.

Anyway, she and I ran down Fairbanks Creek and jumped on the trail to Sorrel Creek, the ride wasn't bad, considering. No base as of yet but I didn't hear my skags scraping rocks either. It was a short ride, 12 miles, but I got some miles in.

What I did hear over breakfast was that the snow is pretty good at Summit now, again not the best for the area but the better than we have here... So maybe it's time to think about some runs down to Summit or maybe Paxson for a ride into McLaren.

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