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The snowmobile community is

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:12 pm
by john
The snowmobile community is a family of outdoor recreationists who enjoy the outdoors and understand the importance of proper stewardship of our land. Snowmobilers have been quiet in promoting their environmental accomplishments. Now we are highlighting the land stewardship programs we have created and participated in.

To assist snowmobilers in "telling the truth" about our environmental stewardship of the land, we are expanding the Safe Riders!™ program to include land stewardship activism. The expansion of our Safe Riders! ™ position statement is: Safe Riders! Love this planet. The updated logo and campaign position statement is designed to draw attention to the many great stewardship programs snowmobilers have initiated. The Safe Riders!™ safety campaign has achieved a high level of recognition over the past 8 years and an extension of the campaign simply makes sense.

Snowmobilers are comfortable in the woods and studies indicate that wild animal travel patterns are not affected by winter snowmobile use. Studies comparing the reaction of deer to the presence of cross-country skiers and snowmobilers have been conducted by a number of Universities. The studies have found that when cross-country skiers glide down a cross-country ski trail, the deer move away from the trail much more frequently and quicker than when a snowmobile is used on the same trail system.

Snowmobile use does not adversely affect ungulate populations in North America. In study after study, whether dealing with wolf populations, deer populations, elk populations or bison populations, it has been determined that snowmobiles do not negatively impact on the animals' behavior, survival or their migratory habits.

For more than 30 years, snowmobilers have been riding with nature and working to keep it beautiful, healthy and thriving. Today, responsible snowmobiling is more important than ever and it is important for us to tell our story.

Snowmobiles are "Over-the-snow" vehicles, which do not leave any lasting tracks. Snowmobiles are ridden over a cushion of snow, and do not physically touch the earth upon which we are riding. It has been proven that snowmobiles generate only 6% of the pressure on the earth's surface compared to a backpacker when hiking over the same trail.

Snowmobilers have developed an extensive trail system that takes us to wonderful vistas and great open riding areas. Our clubs and volunteers maintain the trail systems and when the snow melts, there are virtually no tracks and or remnants of our snowmobiling through the woods. Snowmobilers build and maintain high quality bridges over streams and rivers that are used by snowmobilers in the winter and hikers and bicyclists in the spring and summer months. During the fall and spring of each year, we meticulously clean and improve the trails to ensure that environmental degradation and erosion does not occur.

Snowmobilers are tree planters and great forest stewards. Throughout North America we have worked with the Boy Scouts Organization and state and US Foresters in planting thousands of trees.

Snowmobilers have historically supported the adaptive management of healthy forests and the proper maintenance of primitive roads to assist in fire fighting activities and maintaining and controlling the health of our forests.

Snowmobilers are aware that our forests produce not only great recreational activity for all outdoor enthusiasts, but they also provide the much needed renewable resource of wood used in building affordable homes for humanity and hospitals for our sick and elderly.

Snowmobilers respect sensitive areas and understand the need to have certain areas set aside for Designated Wilderness. Yes, snowmobilers are active environmentalists that truly "love the planet."

The Safe Riders! Love this planet™ logo is readily available to all interested parties for their use. Visit the ISMA web site : for additional information on the Safe Riders! ™ campaign. A specially created Love this planet poster will soon be presented to the general public. The poster will help us spread the word and tell the truth that snowmobilers are caring, stewards of the land, who have contributed greatly to the maintenance and improvement of our public and private lands.